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Do you really need A&E?

03 January, 2019


The accident and emergency department is for just that: accidents and emergencies that can’t be treated elsewhere due to their potential seriousness. But in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire, there are lots of places that can look after illness and injuries that don’t need hospital care; using these places takes the pressure off hospital services that can then concentrate on treating people who really need them.

In Hull, you can go to the Urgent Treatment Centre at Bransholme Health Centre (more information here). It’s open 24 hours, seven days a week and staff can treat anything from cuts and bruises to burns, scalds and bites.

If you need a GP practice appointment but struggle to find time during the day, ask for Access+ where you can see someone in the evening or at weekends at one of our hubs in the city. Contact your GP practice or call 01482 247111 to make an appointment.

The East Riding has three Urgent Treatment Centres, in Beverley, Goole and Bridlington. They’re open seven days a week, 365 days a year from 7am to 11pm. There are more details here. If you are feeling unwell and self-care isn’t working or you have a minor injury, ring NHS111 and they will direct you to the best place for treatment; this might also be a booked appointment in an 8-8 centre in Withernsea or Driffield.

You can contact the Improving Access service in the East Riding (click here for more information) to book GP practice appointments outside normal surgery hours.

And of course your pharmacist can offer advice about illness and injury so you have lots of options! Please leave A&E for those who might die without it.