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Community Pharmacy End of Life Academy

In England, approximately half a million people die each year. The number is expected to rise by 17% from 2012 to 2030. Approximately three quarters of deaths are expected, so there is potential to improve the experience of care in the last year and months of life for at least 355,000 new people, and those close to them, each year. High quality generalist end of life care is required for all these people, and can be delivered by non-specialist health and care staff as part of their core work, provided they have adequate time, education and training, and support, to do so.

As community pharmacists and support staff, there is a role to play in palliative and end of life care. Patients and more often their families and carers are likely to visit you on a regular basis to have prescriptions dispensed. This may be as analgesic requirements change, as symptoms are managed, to the dispensing of Just In Case Drugs, and the disposal of these following a patient’s death. At any point in this journey, you may need to provide support and advice, refer to specialist services or just be a friendly place for a chat. The community pharmacy academy for end of life care is designed to provide you with the tools to enable you to do this confidently, and support other colleagues with what can be a complex and emotionally challenging task.

The Community Pharmacy Academy is delivered over 3 sessions. It can be used as Continuing Professional Development, towards the Outcomes for End of Life Care (NHS Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber) (to be confirmed), or towards a RPSGB Faculty portfolio.