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Your Personal Information and the Accessible Information Standard

This privacy notice tells you how we collect and use personal information about you.
What information do we collect and why?

We collect information to make sure the services we provide are giving good care. We want to make sure we can identify, record, flag, share and meet any communication support needs of patients, service users and our staff.

What’s new?

The InHealthCare program has been made to help us learn more about our patients and staff and their communication needs as we are passionate about the Accessible Information Standard.

Information we collect

Information we collect for the Accessible Information Standard will be used to help you directly. We will also use this information to make sure we can continue to improve our services.


Any reporting done from the Accessible Information Solution will not be able to identify you as you. We may report on ages and where our patients are from, but will not be able to tell that person is you. This means it is anonymous.

The information a service needs

Services will have to record the following information:
Name, NHS Number, Gender, Date of Birth, Email Address and Postcode.

This is so we know that you are you.

Accessible Information Questionnaire

Once we know that you are you, we can send you an accessible information questionnaire and record your communication needs. This means we can give you information you understand.

Your information

If you would like to see the information we hold on you, please email our Access to Records team at

We will try to get this to you as quickly as we can.

More information

If we need any extra information from you, we will let you know. 

Who will your information be shared with?

We will share your information with your doctor and other healthcare services involved in your care.


We will not give your information to any other people or organisations without your permission.

Legal Duty

We will always ask if we can pass your information on unless we have to give it to someone because a serious crime has been committed, there is a risk to the public or staff, or we have a legal duty to pass it on.

What to do if you no longer need accessible information?

If you wish to be removed from the Accessible Information Service please contact Care Co-ordination by email and tell them you do not need accessible information anymore.

How long will your information be held?

We store information for the time stated in Records Management Code of Practice for Health and Social Care 2021.

Keeping your information safe

We will always do our very best to ensure that your information is always as secure as possible. Using appropriate policies, procedures, and up-to-date technology to help us.

Our information governance team

We have an information governance team who make sure we are doing everything right with keeping your information safe. If you have any questions or would like to ask them anything, please email

If you are unhappy

You have a right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office if you are not satisfied with our response to any issues you raise at

Our data protection officer

Claire Attwood, Information Governance and Compliance Manager
City Health Care Partnership CIC
Business Support Centre
5 Beacon Way
Telephone: 01482 347627