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CHCP CIC are popular partners

22 August, 2014


City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP CIC) are seen as socially responsible and a good healthcare provider with strong values and leadership, according to a recent survey.

157 partners, commissioners and stakeholders were asked a series of questions about their working relationships with CHCP CIC. One person commented, “I have an excellent working relationship with CHCP and really value their input into discussions and forums”. Other respondents agreed; 82% said that their working relationship with CHCP CIC is good or excellent.

Partners and stakeholders agree that the company is reinvesting back into the local community and helping to improve people’s lifestyles. 87% described CHCP CIC as socially responsible and one respondent said that the organisation is “highly influential in the social enterprise community”.

When asked about CHCP CIC staff, 95% of the people who responded said that employees are friendly and 86% described them as trustworthy. Respondents felt that staff are easy to work with, responsible and adaptable.

The survey asked what CHCP CIC should prioritise or improve over the next three years and although many respondents said that it was already doing an excellent job, some mentioned the importance of building closer working relationships and integrating with other healthcare providers. “Keep doing what you do well,” said one.

Denise Anderton, social business and public relations director for City Health Care Partnership CIC, is pleased that the survey came back with such positive results. “It’s the first time we have formally asked our partners, stakeholders and commissioners how they feel about working with us,” she explained. “It’s extremely good to know that there is such a positive response to the organisation and it’s also really useful to have feedback on how we they would like us to build on our success so far.”