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CHCP CIC celebrates employee ownership

04 July, 2014

National Employee Ownership Day was celebrated in style at City Health Care Partnership CIC on Friday 4 July. As our region’s biggest ‘mutual’, CHCP CIC is a leading light for employee ownership, championing the cause of staff ownership locally and nationally.

All CHCP CIC permanent staff are entitled to buy a £1 share in the company, giving them a chance have a part in deciding the strategic direction of the company and access to offers and opportunities. As co-owners, staff colleagues have a real stake in the business and in contributing to its success.

EO Day started with an Innovation and Best Practice brunch, where staff gave ‘speed dating’ presentations to colleagues, with a theme of employee ownership, benefits and involvement. This was followed by cutting of a ceremonial cake (baked by talented staff member Michelle Middleton) then Big Art, facilitated by ArtLink, where staff members each designed a jigsaw piece to be used in making a collage showing how people feel about working at CHCP CIC.

Staff were joined on the day by Mark Pettitt, who came up for the day from the Cabinet Office at Westminster to help City Health Care Partnership CIC celebrate its continuing status as a successful and thriving co-owned business.

Chief executive Andrew Burnell said, “It’s great to be part of this growing movement of staff-owned and share businesses, along with companies like John Lewis, Gripple of Sheffield and many more. We all believe in the same core values: that engaged and motivated staff who have a degree of ownership, accountability and responsibility in a company will want to make sure that it’s the best and most successful it can be.”