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CHCP CIC ranked 46 in Best 100 Not for Profit Companies

27 February, 2014

Local health care provider City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP CIC) have been ranked at 46 in the 100 best not-for-profit companies to work for in the UK. The rankings were announced at an awards ceremony last night in London.  897 organisations entered the awards and 250,000 employees were surveyed, making it the largest survey of workplace engagement in the UK.

Best Companies have been producing and publishing the 'Best Companies to Work For' lists since 2001 to measure and acknowledge excellence in workplace engagement. Each year hundreds of organisations from a wide range of industries use the employee survey to measure the engagement of their employees. The responses from these surveys are collated and combined to produce an overall engagement score for each organisation. Only the organisations with the highest level of overall employee engagement qualify for the 100 Best Not-For-Profit Organisations to Work For list in 2014.

Andrew Burnell, chief executive of City Health Care Partnership CIC, attended the awards in Battersea and said, ‘Without our staff we wouldn’t have a business and it’s fantastic to see that the people who work at CHCP CIC have given us this endorsement. Not only did we achieve a rank of 46 in our first year of taking part in this survey, we also gained a BCI star, which relates to their accreditation standard and means we are “very good”.

‘Making CHCP CIC a place where people love to work is one of our objectives and being 46th in the country shows we’re getting there, but there’s always room for improvement; I’d like to be in the top ten next year!’