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Conifer puts pride to the test

18 July, 2013

Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July will see Hull Pride 2013 take place at West Park, with Conifer Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare Service attending to provide information, screening and testing.

Conifer is provided by City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP CIC) and includes services such as testing and treatment for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), family planning services, outreach services such as the  chlamydia awareness screening programme for Hull and the East Riding (CASPHER) and the pioneering sexual health virtual clinic to name but a few.

Conifer will be offering HIV testing by qualified nursing staff between 12pm and 4pm on both Saturday and Sunday, the CASPHER team will also be there offering chlamydia screening, plus there will be free condoms handed out on both days. In order to advertise and promote their services on the day, ‘Butlers in the Buff’ will be directing people towards the Conifer stall.

Gavin, a sexual health nurse at Conifer said, “Pride is a fantastic occasion which has grown year on year, and is a great opportunity for us to offer free advice, testing and screening all whilst having a fun and enjoyable weekend.”

Gavin will be taking part in a rendition of YMCA alongside local police and fire fighters, all dressed in their uniforms.

Hull Pride first took place in 2002 at Queen’s Gardens to bring together the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community of Hull for a fun and welcoming event. Since then, Pride has grown and now takes place at the larger venue of West Park and attracts a wider group of people including the LGBT community, their friends and family, supporters, the local community and families looking for a fun day out.