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Healthwatch Hull survey about potential easement

05 August, 2020

Healthwatch Hull are currently raising public awareness about the potential easements to Adult Social Care provision, should these need to be introduced as a result of Coronavirus. 

It is important to note that Hull City Council has not yet had to introduce these easements, nor may they have to. However Healthwatch would like to know about your care needs and what information is important to you, so that they can help make sure the Council provides the appropriate information for you.

You can complete the survey online at  or get in touch with Healthwatch by calling 07593261312 or emailing if you need support in completing the survey.

Healthwatch will also be having weekly online conversations, so you can join them at a time and date that is suitable to you.  They will be able to talk to you on Zoom, WhatsApp, Skype or Facebook. To book a slot please contact them.