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Higher and higher: patient survey results improve again

03 February, 2016


People using services provided by City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP CIC) are happier than ever with the health care they’re receiving, according to a recent survey.

The annual patient satisfaction survey conducted by independent analysts SMSR shows that patients across CHCP CIC’s services, which range from district nursing and health visiting to pain management and eating disorders, are positive about all aspects of their care.

SMSR asked 1,125 people from Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire, North and North East Lincolnshire and Knowsley, Merseyside questions about their care and treatment and 98% of them said they were satisfied with their overall experience, up 3% from 2014. 98% also said they were satisfied with the care and support they’d received; again, higher than in 2014.

95% of respondents said that they were able to get an appointment at the time they wanted and 89% were seen on the same day or within two days of the service being open.

Patients were very satisfied with the health professional they saw, with 98% of people feeling that they were treated with care and concern and 98% considering that the health professional took their problems seriously and were respectful of their needs.

One person who had used CHCP CIC’s Let’s Talk service said, “They changed my life for the better, helped me to unravel the chaotic and often tragic episodes of my life over the past twenty years.”

Andrew Burnell, chief executive of CHCP CIC, said, “I hope that these results show that we truly do put our patients at the heart of what we do and they’re a testament to the dedication and commitment of our colleagues. But the survey has also shown some areas where we can still improve and we will be working to do this over the coming year, so we can continue to provide the excellent health and care services that our patients have come to expect.”

To read the full results of the survey, go to