Incidents of Chlamydia in Hull and the East Riding down on previous years
19 November, 2010
The CASPHER team, run by City Healthcare Partnership (NHS Hull Provider Services) has been out and about at pubs, clubs, universities and colleges across the region encouraging young people to get tested after every sexual partner. They have also made sure free testing kits are available at a number of pick including colleges, youth centres, Conifer House, pharmacies, GP’s surgeries, gyms and universities.
The Hull and East Riding Services have also been praised for their speedy response in treating patients with Chlamydia in a recent survey. Out of 156 Primary Care Trusts in the country, East Riding came in 3rd and Hull 13th, both with over 98% of positive cases treated.
Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection in young people with one in six girls and one in eight boys testing positive. Many people don’t even realise they have it, so regular screening is vital.
Sue Oxton, Team Leader said: “Being tested once for Chlamydia doesn’t cover you for life. It is important that young people understand that if they have sex with another partner then they must get tested again.
“We want to encourage young people to take responsibility for their sexual health and with CASPHER, they don’t even have to speak to anyone.
“They can simply pick up a free test from one of our many pick up points, take it at home and post it back. So they don’t have to worry about having any awkward conversations with us. All tests are confidential and the results can be texted to their mobile.”
If a test comes back positive, young people can be treated at a number of venues across the area including clinics and pharmacies. If you are tested at a youth club by the CASPHER team, then treatment can be given there.
If left untreated Chlamydia can cause a number of problems later in life including infertility, abdominal pain and swollen testicles.
The CASPHER team is always on hand to test young people and their partners to ensure both people are free from Chlamydia. If you have a postal kit at home, then all you need to do is take it and send it back to us.
To find out more about sexual health you can also visit www.luvhull.co.uk or www.loveyorks.co.uk. If you would prefer to have a free kit posted to your home, please visit www.feetest.me.