It’s a Double Celebration, as Unique Health and Social Care Team Become Finalists in Two National Awards!
02 September, 2010
The Health and Social Care Team for End of Life Care at City Health Care Partnership have had a double the celebration as they were announced as finalists in two national awards. They are regional finalists in the national Health and Social Care Awards 2010, under the category of Primary Care and Community Based Integration and to add to this, the Team has also been shortlisted for the Nursing Times Award, under the category of The Patient Pathway, Making Quality Count.
The provision of end of life care has become increasingly complex, people are living longer and as a result they are often frail, have multiple conditions, and require assistance from a variety of key health care workers. As a result the Health and Social Care Team was launched early last year to provide health and social care at home for those at the end of their life, complementing the services which are also on hand to assist the patients.
The team offers flexible and responsive care for the patient, by looking after hygiene and comfort measures, and being available multiple times a day, or over long periods of time. The Health and Social Care Assistants can also help to make food and drink and check the patient is without pain or symptoms. Ultimately the team is able to recognise the needs of relatives and carers while supporting the patient’s choice to return home and stay in their home at the end of their life.
Sue Pender, Modern Matron for End of Life Care, City Health Care Partnership CIC comments,
“I feel so proud that our valuable work has been recognised by others. Locally, we know that our patients and their carers praise the care that we deliver. It is such an accolade to be also recognised at a regional and national level”
The Health and Social Care Team are regional finalists in the national Health and Social Care Awards 2010, under the category of Primary Care and Community Based Integration. All finalists will attend a regional event on the 7 October 2010 where they will find out how successful they have been on both a regional and national level.
On the 3 November 2010 the Health and Social Care Team will attend the Nursing Times Awards, as a finalist in The Patient Pathway, Making Quality Count category. Here they will be competing against top health services from across the country for a national award.