Men get eating disorders too
26 February, 2020
It’s Eating Disorders Awareness week from 2 to 8 March 2020 and Evolve – Hull Community Eating Disorder Service want to raise awareness of eating disorders in men.
Studies suggest that up to a quarter of people who have eating disorders may be men but the stigma around eating disorders and male sufferers means that many of them don’t get diagnosed or get help to recover.
Common symptoms of compulsive exercise, weight changes and restricting food are often seen at the gym, so Evolve are inviting gym staff from around Hull to informal information sessions on 2 and 4 March, at 10am and 2pm at the Calvert Centre on Calvert Lane. These sessions will last for around 90 minutes and will cover topics such as:
- What are eating disorders?
- Spotting the signs – behavioural, physical and psychological
- Effects of an eating disorder
- Influence of the gym environment
- Over-exercise and its effects
- How to talk to somebody you suspect may have an eating disorder
- How to support and how to refer
- Question and answers
Gym staff can book tickets through this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/eating-disorders-awareness-week-information-sessions-tickets-89051761215
Kim Flockton, clinical lead at Evolve, said, “Eating disorders don’t discriminate; whether you are young, old, male, female or transgender doesn’t matter. We want to raise awareness of eating disorders in men particularly, to encourage them to seek help and to educate others about signs to look out for.”
One man who has used the service said, “An eating disorder is very difficult for some to understand who don't suffer. After losing 22 stone Evolve gave me a place to turn to when my demons came back and a place of understanding when I was in need. Recommended to anyone in need of help.’
Another man praised the help he’d had from Evolve: “A truly wonderful service thanks to the hard work and dedication of the people who work there. I can't speak highly enough about my experience, it's enabled me to progress as a person and given me an insight to helping relationships and inspired me to pursue my aspirations of helping people. I felt welcomed from the minute I stepped through the door, as a sufferer of severe anxiety I didn't feel overwhelmed, only comfortable which speaks for itself. I highly recommend and encourage anyone who struggles or believes they have an eating disorder to contact Evolve; that phone call will impact your life in a positive manner.
If you are worried that you may have an eating disorder, you can refer yourself to Evolve by calling 01482 344083, via the website www.evolve.chcpcic.org.uk or texting EVOLVE to 61825. Your GP can also refer you to the service.
Please note that Evolve – Hull Community Eating Disorder Service are only commissioned to take patients who are registered with a Hull GP.