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Say No,No to Yo-Yo Diets!

11 April, 2014


6 out of 10 people will have made a New Year’s Resolution for 2014 and half of us will have given up that same resolution within three weeks.

If you started the New Year full of good intentions to lose weight but have slipped back to your old habits, HealthyRoutes Weight Management Services, part of City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP CIC), are here to help!

HealthyRoutes is launching ‘Stop Yo-Yo Dieting Day’ on Tuesday 15th April 2014 to highlight the dangers of YoYo dieting and offer FREE weight management services to help you achieve healthy, sustainable weight loss.

Missing meals or eating very few calories can all lead to the Yo-Yo effect.  At first, the pounds seem to fall off, but your body then gets the hint that fewer calories are coming in and it adapts and decides to store energy, which means your metabolism slows down. Then your initial weight loss decreases or stops.

At this point many people struggle to maintain the diet, the weight begins to come back on and a lowered metabolism means they end up gaining more pounds and weighing more than when they started.

Mark Doughty, Service Manager for HealthyRoutes says, “Recent research has also shown that Yo-Yo dieting is associated with Type 2 diabetes, heart problems and unhealthy blood sugar levels. Plus the overall effect of going through a harsh dieting regime only to end up back where you started is extremely demoralising.

“HealthyRoutes promotes sustainable weight loss and making small changes to everyday life with big results.  With a range of free local services to suit everyone, from online support to drop in 1-2-1 sessions where you don’t need an appointment, we can help you lose weight. Last year over 1,430 stone was lost by people using HealthyRoutes, with most still keeping it off six months later.”

Rosemary lost more than three stone with the HealthyRoutes drop-in service Bitesize over a year ago and has maintained that weight loss.

“I haven’t looked back since starting the Bitesize programme. After I lost the first 7lb I could already feel the benefits, my knees hurt much less and I had a spring back in my step! I found the programme easy to follow and can still enjoy the foods I love. I would recommend the programme to anyone; it’s enjoyable and easy to follow. I won’t be going back to the way I ate before.”

Health Promoters from the HealthyRoutes team will be handing out information and offering advice at King Edward Street in Hull City Centre on 15th April 2014. They will be able to help you join one of the many free local programmes and will also be handing out FREE Yo-Yos to passers-by.

To find out more visit  or text YOYO to 61825 (normal network rates apply).

CHCP CIC’s weight management services are helping Hull City Council to meet its aim to reduce the prevalence of obesity in the city.