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Where there’s a wheel there’s a way

16 September, 2015

A determined team of local health visitors from City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP CIC) will be pedalling a gruelling 170 miles across the country from the west coast of England to the east coast this weekend in aid of the Institute of Health Visiting (iHV).  The iHV will use the money to support research helping all children have a happy, healthy, safe and valued childhood.

As part of this year’s TriHV fundraising challenge, the team will be tackling the Way of the Roses, starting from Morecambe in Lancashire on Friday 18 September and ending in Bridlington, three days and 170 very tough miles later, on Sunday 20 September.

The demanding cycle ride is the final challenge for this superhuman team of health visitors who will complete a triathlon over three weekends, known as the “TriHV”.  This includes a swim and three relay teams who competed in the Hull Marathon last Sunday.

Melita Walker, Health Visitor with City Health Care Partnership in Hull and Professional Development Officer at iHV, said: “The TriHV team have been training hard, none of them were cyclists before signing up to this challenge. It was daunting when we first started training... but now we’re ready for the Way of the Roses.   The team is amazing and I’m very proud and honoured to be part of it!

“We invite anyone who is interested in supporting children to have the best start in life to join us on the route – we’d love to be spurred on by lots of cheering and clapping.”

Andrew Burnell, Chief Executive of CHCP CIC, has a special reason to support the TriHV team. “As a qualified health visitor myself, I know the challenges and rewards of the job and the huge difference health visitors can make to the wellbeing of families. I am very proud of the team undertaking this challenge and am delighted that we have been able to support their fundraising efforts through our City Health Care Partnership Foundation charity.”

Dr Cheryll Adams, Executive Director of the Institute of Health Visiting, said, “The Institute  is absolutely thrilled to have such a fantastic team to help us establish a  research programme designed to ensure that all children have a safe, happy and healthy childhood and, in turn, the brightest future. The TriHV health visitor team have been wonderfully generous with their time and personal efforts in supporting the Institute and we would like to say a very big thank you to them. We know how hard the team have been training on top of their mostly full time jobs, and we wish them the very best of luck with the Way of the Roses Challenge.”

To sponsor the TriHV team visit their Virgin Money Giving page