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South Cave Juniors Football Club - March 2022

I am writing to thank you for the kind support of the South Cave Sporting Club Junior Football Tournament which has taken place over the last 2 weekends.

We have had a very busy 3 days. We had around 6000 people on site over the 2 weekends. 220 teams took part, over 2000 players,  we provided 586 games of football,  gave out 24 big trophies, and over 1000 medals which means over 50% of players left with a medal of some sort, so many kids had a great day out, many at their first ever football festival - we made some fabulous memories for a lot of young people.

Team from West Hull, East Hull, North Hull, East Hull Villages, York, Rotherham, Doncaster, Grimsby, Louth, Scunthorpe, so not only Hull and East Riding but further afield.  

It simply could not be run without the support of local groups and companies, and that would be a shame as so many young people, from across our area, have such a great day out. We do not take the support for granted but it does make such a big difference to us and all those people who attend.

On behalf of our club I thank you again very much for the kind help. There are lots of phots etc on our facebook group


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