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The Team

Because we want to make sure you get the care you need, we've got a team of highly qualified and experienced staff at the Jean Bishop Centre. While you're here, you might see any or all of these people:

  • Advanced nurse practitioners who are highly experienced in working with people with frailty
  • Consultant Geriatricians, doctors with expertise in treating older and frail people
  • GPs with a special interest in frailty

The “medical” review from these practitioners will include a full top to toe assessment including acute and chronic physical and mental health issues, medication review and planning for the future.

  • Physiotherapists who will help you to become more mobile and independent, consider exercise programmes and look at ways to reduce risk of falling
  • Occupational Therapists who will help with interventions to help you stay as safe and independent at home as possible
  • Pharmacists will look at what medication you are taking, what matters to you, what could be improved, and what might be causing side effects
  • Social workers can talk to you about any support you might need 
  • Receptionists are a friendly face to welcome you to the Centre

Health Care Assistants will guide you around the Centre and answer any questions you may have, as well as checking your blood pressure, other observations and taking bloods or heart tracings if needed.