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Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre

The Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre is in East Hull. It has been built specially to care for older people in the community and is run by City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP). The Centre was built in 2018 to address health inequalities in the region and improve outcomes for people living with frailty, with staff employed by CHCP, the Local Authority and other health care providers including Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust.

Patients have a comprehensive assessment through a multidisciplinary team that includes doctors, nurses, therapists, pharmacists and social care teams. This team will discuss all your health, social and personal care needs with you and they will make sure you have a clear plan on how to address these needs. 

They will also be able to check blood tests and carry out X-rays on site as required.

If you have been identified by your GP as likely to benefit from an assessment, you will be invited to attend the Jean Bishop Centre, where you will be met by a co-ordinator for the day who will support you throughout the morning. You are encouraged to bring a friend, relative or carer with you. CHCP's Carers' Information and Support Service will also be on hand to offer advice and support and a chaplain is available on some days too.

The Jean Bishop Centre has a cafe area, run by a charity, and you will be offered a delicious free lunch and other refreshments as part of your appointment. 

Your assessment will take place during the morning, then in the afternoon healthcare professionals will meet together to talk about your treatment plan. Once a plan has been decided, it will be shared with you, your GP and any other clinicians involved in you care. If you need a referral to other health or care services, the team can do this too.

Evidence from local and national trials have shown that this type of intervention with a 'health and social care MOT' has been proven to help people feel psychologically and physically better, reduce unnecessary hospital admissions, reduce unnecessary medications, reduce transfers to 24 hour care and improve carer support.


BBC Panorama: The NHS - can it be fixed?

NHS England — North East and Yorkshire » Integrated healthcare transforms care for frail and elderly

NHS England — North East and Yorkshire » Centre’s integrated services transform care for frail and elderly residents

NHS England » Supporting people living with frailty in Hull and East Riding

NHS Long Term Plan » Ageing well

Joining the Dots: A blueprint for preventing and managing frailty in older people | British Geriatrics Society (

NHS Reset: Hull & East Riding Frailty Response Line - YouTube

Understanding-our-response-to-COVID-19-report-singles.pdf (

Speech by Secretary of State Steve Barclay to NHS Confederation