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Bladder and Bowel Charts

Bladder and bowel charts are an integral part of clinical assessment so it is essential that they are completed as accurately as possible.

Where possible we ask that urine is passed into a container and is measured and recorded.

The charts provide the clinician with information which is required to enable the correct diagnosis of bladder and bowel dysfunction to be made and the correct treatment plan to be provided.

Accurately completed bladder charts help determine:

  • If the patient is drinking enough fluid per day
  • If there is a significant difference between the intake and the output which can indicate medical conditions and whether further investigations are required
  • The frequency of toilet visits – to determine if it is normal bladder function or if it indicates a bladder dysfunction such as overactive bladder, incomplete emptying or voiding difficulty
  • The amount of urine passed at each toilet visit – to indicate if the patients bladder capacity is within normal range.
  • If there is a significant discrepancy between daytime & night-time frequency of voids

Accurately completed bowel charts help determine:

  • Normal bowel function
  • Type and amount of stools passed
  • Bowel incontinence episodes per day
  • Bowel dysfunction such as constipation / loose stools / incomplete emptying
  • Any difficulty with cleaning after a bowel movement