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At CISS we support carers and those caring for someone over the age of 18 who reside in the Hull area or are registered with a Hull GP. We also provide support and advice for parent carers of a child with additional needs.

We provide support for all informal carers; whether they are providing support for 1hour per week or 24 hours per day.

We offer advice to any member of the public, health or social professionals who want to gain further knowledge about unpaid care and support available for carers.

Hospital Discharge Survey V.2


From the 1st April – 30th June

What is the purpose of this survey?

The NHS and local government have come together in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire to think about how discharges from hospital can be a more positive experience.

Participants of last year’s survey shared feedback and we are keen to understand about what we previously did not so well has improved, but also to see if we continued with what we did well!

Where to access the survey?

Via this link:

Experience of discharge from hospital in Hull & East Riding of Yorkshire (V.2)

Or via this QR code:
