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Communication Referrals

Telephone Assessments

Clients we see may have difficulties with communicating for a number of reasons e.g. due to dementia, a stroke, a brain tumour, head injury or  a degenerative condition such as Parkinson’s disease or Motor Neurone Disease.

For communication referrals, we will want to know what type of communication problem the person is having and what you are hoping our assessment can help with.

We try to avoid mealtimes and medication rounds where possible. We get a lot of referrals so it really helps us if you do call us back if you cannot take the call when we ring or you give us a time that is suitable for us to call back.

You can make a really big difference to your resident’s communication and wellbeing by understanding the difficulties they are having and adapting your communication. Follow the links in the side bar of this page for free training and further informaion.