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Hull & East Riding Falls Service

The Falls team is made up of of nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and rehabilitation assistants. We help lessen risk of further falls while helping patients to maintain their independence. This includes helping patients make simple changes to their home, providing aides and adaptations, helping with exercises to improve strength and balance, or reviewing medications.

Fracture Liaison Service

The service provides a bone assessment service and osteoperosis advice and support for people over 50 with a Hull or East Riding GP who have suffered a  fragility fracture. The team is made up of specialists nurses who work closely with the wider metabolic bone team. 

Referral Criteria

  • Aged 18 or over
  • Registered with a Hull & ER GP (except Pocklington)
  • Had one or more falls within the last 6 months


  • Alcohol dependence

We accept self-referrals or referrals through any health professional.

Contact the care co-ordination centre on 01482 247111 or